Friends of PYO


Perth Youth Orchestra committee agreed to offer FREE membership of the Friends of Perth Youth Orchestra, (for the coming year), to those orchestra players who have now left at the end of the 2013-2014 season. Clearly this is intended to sustain our links with these young musicians as they set off on their chosen …

Children Increase Learning Skills Through Music Lessons


A recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience has found that music lessons are a proven method of improving not only a child’s learning abilities, but also their listening skills. The study was conducted over a decade by the Northwestern University of Chicago’s Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory. Basing the research primarily in neighbourhoods in Los Angeles and Chicago, …

Review of Perth Youth Orchestra’s Summer Concert


THE latest hugely impressive performance by Perth Youth Orchestra under conductor Allan Young was their Summer Concert in Perth Concert Hall on Monday, the programme of which mirrored the varied repertoire of their recent well received tour of Germany. One can only imagine the hours of preparation which went into this concert, such was …