Auditions for the orchestra take place in September for new auditionees. Pupils will normally be informed by their tutor when they are ready to audition and the procedures involved. Private pupils can obtain an audition form from All successful applicants must attend rehearsals on Mondays from 6-8.15pm and attend the annual residential music …
Message to parents
Dear PYO Parents and Guardians, Do you use Perth Peel2Save cards? If so, please consider buying your card from PYO this year. We only sell them every 3 years as part of our tour fund-raising, since we appreciate you may choose to support other charities in other years. So if you’re buying a Peel2Save …
Autumn Concert Series – and rehearsals
Dear Player, I hope everyone has had a well-earned break and have enjoyed the long holidays despite the weather. Below are details of rehearsals and concerts for our Autumn Season. August Rehearsals 17 August – St John’s Academy, 6.00pm – 8.15pm *22 August – St John’s Academy, 2pm-5pm *23 August – St John’s Academy, …
Helena Kay wins 2015 Scottish Young Jazz Musician of the Year
The award for Scottish Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2015 has been awarded to saxophonist Helena Kay from Perth, aged 21. Helena was a D. Eoin Bennet soloist with Perth Youth Orchestra in 2012. She is currently studying on the B.Mus course at the Guildhall School in London, and is about to enter …
Tour Memories
“My wife and I were wandering around Florence for our first night here in celebration of our 25th wedding anniversary and came upon the Perth Youth Orchestra playing next to the Uffizi. We settled in at a nearby trattoria and had the pleasure of your wonderful group’s performance. We were a block or so …
Edinburgh Castle
Note to PYO Fiddle Orchestra – our coach will depart Perth High School bus park, Oakbank Road, Perth, at 4.00pm on Friday 26th June. Please ensure your child arrives in plenty of time to embark. All pupils should bring a packed tea? The performance will take place at 6.30pm – 8.00pm. Return coach expected …
PYO’s Emma Ritchie Wins First National Composing Competition
Scotland’s national orchestra’s first composition competition, Notes From Scotland, specifically for 12-18 year olds, culminated in world premiere performances of the five finalists’ works, on Wednesday 17 June at Perth Concert Hall. In partnership with the National Trust for Scotland, the first year’s Notes From Scotland invited young composers to write a short work …
Book and DVD Sale
Last night we made £64.05 from sales of books and DVDs. Just under £50 of that was made this evening, so thank you all for coming to help. And thank you to those who took away boxes and the end………At least we sold the complete works of Dickens in the final five minutes so …
Additional rehearsal
We can confirm there will be rehearsals on Monday 8th, Monday 15th and an additional PYO rehearsal on Monday 22 June, at the usual time in North Inch Community Campus, Perth.
Book/ DVD Sale
Bring and Buy – in aid of our tour fund. Come along and support this fund raiser in aid of Tour Prague 2016.